
What Is TenMediaPlayer?
  1. TenMediaPlayer is music and movie player
The price ?
  1. I 4 dollars (480 yen) Future price increases
The difference in TenMediaPlayer(Lite)(Ad)?
    Price4 dollars (480 yen)freefree
    Function All There is no octave mode.
    not support URL Scheme
    Track unit can not be saved each volume, pitch tempo,equalizer
    no [STFT2] logic
    No equalizer pertinent items
    There are no loop, shuffle,octave mode.
    not support URL Scheme
    Track unit can not be saved each volume, pitch tempo,equalizer
    UImanual imageA direction long: I advertise it on the top. Sideways-facing: I advertise it to the rightThere are no shuffle icon and loop icon
The size necessary for installation?
  1. Application size is 2.6 ~ 3.5MB
  2. When perform save of cache, is about 1,000 pieces depending on the number of the music; around 256KB.
  3. When save does inherent information of the music, I am assigned to 1,000 pieces, and 16KB is necessary
The difference with the sound player in existing IOS?
  1. Even if a speed change does not make AudioBook; possibility (150% - 70% of ranges) (TenMediaPlayer only adds 200% - 50% of change modes from Ver1.0.3. But because is heavy when is STFT; ipod touch5 generation recommendation)
  2. A change of pitch is within an octave range possible +-0.5. The pitch range is +-6.0 (TenMediaPlayer only adds +-1 octave change mode from Ver1.0.3.Because when but is STFT,The pitch range is 12.0 - +12.0; ipod touch5 generation recommendation)
  3. Music and movie choice and a player are unified
  4. (only TenMediaPlayer,TenMediaPlayerLite) editable equalizer processing
  1. *The left is a sample image of the ipod touch fifth generation
  2. *The center is a sample image of the ipod touch fourth generation
  3. *The right is a sample image of the ipad 1
  4. *I resize it to a half and display it
  5. *It is changeable to horizontal UI by setting
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