format | Macros | Execution example | Execution Description | Description |
ctrl( pitch, tempo, volume, speed, eqidx) |
none | ctrl(,,,1.5) | Only speed is 1.5 times faster, it does not change the other | I will make the changes in the order pitch, tempo, volume,speed and equalizer preset index. Speed takes precedence If you set the pitch, speed and tempo |
disp( track, playtime, artwork, lyrics, playinfo, albumartwork, uiup) |
on off yes no | disp(,,,,,on,) | No change other ON the album artwork | [Track number] [playing time] [artwork] [lyrics] [Sets Send remote control information] [album artwork] and [Move up UI] onoff from left |
bg( bgsnd, bgmovie, locksnd, lockmovie) |
on off yes no | bg(off,,,) | I Turn OFF the background music | Play songs in the background from left, movie playing in the background, auto-lock track during playback, I set the auto-lock onoff when playing movies |
rot( rotsnd, rotmovie) |
| - free | rot(free,|) | UI of the song playback will be displayed vertically and rotated by way of holding, the UI of video playback | |
sys( unitsavectrl, unitsavevol, sort, logic, cache, octave) |
logic : stft lerp stft2 sort : name id |
sys(,,id,stft,,) | Do not store unit volume songs,Do not store unit pitch tempo songs,it will sort by id, played in stft logic, and no, one octave mode cache ON | |
cus( custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4, upcustom1, upcustom2) |
back root uichg compact disappear eqback eqnext sync group manual scheme vol-1 vol-5 vol-10 vol-25 vol+1 vol+5 vol+10 vol+25 spd-1 spd-5 spd-10 spd-25 spd+1 spd+5 spd+10 spd+25 tim-5 tim-30 tim-90 tim-180 tim+5 tim+30 tim+90 tim+180 pch-1 pch-5 pch-10 pch-30 pch+1 pch+5 pch+10 pch+30 tmp-1 tmp-5 tmp-10 tmp-25 tmp+1 tmp+5 tmp+10 tmp+25 |
cus(,,,,root,) | [root move to the upper-left icon] | I will do all of the settings in the Custom Buttons.List UI if [cus1].Lyrics UI if [cus2].EQ UI if [cus3] |